Plant list updated: 5 May 2024
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Trees (10m+)
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Acacia dealbata | Silver Wattle | Fast growing. Yellow flowers, late winter. Silvery foliage. Good for erosion control. |
Acacia mearnsii | Black Wattle | Fast growing. Pale yellow flowers, spring. Excellent firewood. |
Acacia melanoxylon | Blackwood | Long-lived. Pale yellow flowers, spring. Good shade tree. |
Banksia integrifolia | Coast Banksia | Ornamental shade tree and windbreak. Yellow flower spikes all year. |
Eucalyptus obliqua | Messmate | Dense canopy with stringy bark. Good for honey and hardwood. |
Eucalyptus ovata | Swamp Gum | Bark mostly smooth. Leaves eaten by koalas. Good shade tree for swampy areas. |
Eucalyptus pauciflora | Snow Gum (Powlett River Form) | Attractive white to cream trunk. Provides honey, fuel and assists with erosion control. |
Eucalyptus radiata | Narrow-leaf Peppermint | Low branching tree with dense canopy. Good shade and shelter. |
Eucalyptus regnans | Mountain Ash | Fast-growing tall tree with rough bark up to 15m, then smooth. Profuse white flowers and club-shaped buds. |
Eucalyptus strzeleckii | Strzeleckii Gum | Critically endangered species.Tall tree good for revegetation projects on fertile soil on ridges, slopes & stream banks. |
Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana | Coastal Manna Gum | Well-branched tree with dense canopy. Good shade, shelter and windbreak. |
Small to Medium Trees (5-10m)
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Allocasuarina littoralis | Black Sheoak | Ornamental foliage and bark. Male and female flowers on separate plants. |
Allocasuarina verticillata | Drooping or Coast Sheoak | Ornamental weeping foliage. Male and female flowers on separate plants. |
Eucalyptus kitsoniana | Gippsland Mallee or Bog Gum | Gum-barked tree. Attractive mallee form. |
Eucalyptus willisii ssp. | South Gippsland Peppermint | Small tree with rough bark, to 10 m., often mallee form. Fine leaves and attractive white flowers. Vulnerable in Victoria. |
Melaleuca ericifolia | Swamp Paperbark | Masses of cream flowers, spring. Useful in wet garden areas. Very adaptable. Responds well to pruning. |
Melaleuca squarrosa | Scented Paperbark | Profuse scented cream flowers, spring-summer. Moist to wet soils. Responds well to pruning. |
Tall Shrubs (2-5m+)
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Acacia longifolia ssp. sophorae | Coast Wattle | Fast growing. Yellow flowers, spring. Salt-tolerant coloniser. |
Acacia mucronata | Narrow-leaf Wattle | Spreading or erect shrub or small tree with long, thin phyllodes (leaves). Cream to yellow flower spikes. Good screen if pruned. |
Acacia paradoxa | Hedge Wattle | Prickly shrub. Bright yellow flowers, spring. Good screen or windbreak. Refuge for small birds |
Acacia stricta | Hop Wattle | Coloniser. Pale yellow flowers, winter-spring. Good screen. |
Acacia verticillata ssp. verticillata | Prickly Moses | Prickly, tough plant. Yellow flowers, spring. Refuge for small birds. |
Banksia marginata | Silver Banksia | Yellow flower spikes, autumn. Good screen. |
Bursaria spinosa | Sweet Bursaria | Scented, creamy-white flowers, summer. Spiny branches when young. |
Cassinia aculeata | Dogwood/Common Cassinia | Fast-growing. Crowded, domed flowerheads, summer. Aromatic leaves. Quick screen. Understorey planting. |
Goodia lotifolia | Golden Tip | Fast-growing. Profuse yellow and red pea flowers, spring. Prune after flowering. |
Gynatrix pulchella | Hemp Bush | Open shrub. Small fragrant flowers, spring. Needs pruning to maintain vigour. |
Hakea ulicina | Furze Hakea | Upright shrub with twisted foliage. White flowers, spring. Good bird habitat. |
Leptospermum laevigatum | Coast Teatree | Attractive white flowers, spring. Front-line coastal planting only. Weedy in other areas |
Leptospermum lanigerum | Woolly Teatree | Young growth silver and hairy. Masses of white flowers, spring. Moist soils. |
Leucopogon parviflorus | Coast Beard-heath | Variable form. Scented, crowded white flowers, spring. Salt tolerant |
Myoporum insulare | Boobialla | Rounded habit with succulent leaves. White flowers, spring. Fire retardant. Good screen or windbreak. |
Myrsine howittiana | Muttonwood | Tall shrub or small tree with glossy dark green leaves and cream flowers on old wood. Fruit attractive fleshy blue to violet drupes. |
Olearia argophylla | Musk Daisy-bush | Up to 10m tall. Shiny dark green leaves, silvery below. Crowded terminal clusters of white daisy flowers |
Olearia lirata | Snowy Daisy-bush | Soft open shrub. Masses of white flowers, spring. Moist well-drained soil. |
Ozothamnus ferrugineus | Tree Everlasting | Open shrub with narrow shining leaves. White flowers in terminal clusters. Fast-growing. Moist, well-drained soil. Good background plant. |
Pomaderris aspera | Hazel Pomaderris | Slender, leafy shrub. Cream flowers in terminal sprays, spring. Likes moist, rich soil. Interesting bark as plant ages. |
Pomaderris elliptica var. elliptica | Smooth Pomaderris | Tall erect or rounded shrub with densely creamy hairy branchlets. Yellow flowers |
Solanum aviculare | Kangaroo Apple | Soft woody shrub. Large divided leaves. Purple flowers, spring-summer. Orange to scarlet fruit. Heavy prune to rejuvenate. |
Viminaria juncea | Golden Spray | Attractive weeping needle-like foliage. Sprays of yellow pea flowers, summer. Good beside ponds. Tolerates poorly-drained soils. |
Low Shrubs (<2m)
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Acacia myrtifolia | Myrtle Wattle | Compact habit. Yellow flowers, late winter. Tolerates poor soil. |
Acacia suaveolens | Sweet Wattle | Spreading habit. Perfumed cream flowers, winter-spring. |
Allocasuarina paludosa | Scrub or Swamp Sheoak | Compact habit. Grey-green branchlets. Frost tolerant. Bird attracting. |
Allocasuarina paradoxa | Green Sheoak | Open to dense shrub with smooth bark and spikes of reddish-brown male flowers. |
Atriplex cinerea | Coast Saltbush | Attractive silver-grey foliage. Drought and salt tolerant. Fire retardant. |
Bossiaea cinerea | Showy Bossiaea | Showy yellow and red pea flowers, spring. Tolerates coastal exposure. |
Correa alba | White Correa | Adaptable spreading shrub, tolerates wind and spray. White star flowers, spring-summer. |
Goodenia ovata | Hop Goodenia | Light green foliage. Yellow flowers, spring-summer. Good understorey plant. |
Goodenia ovata prostrate | Hop Goodenia | Local prostrate form. Excellent ground cover. Butterfly attracting. Tolerates boggy soils. |
Hakea nodosa | Yellow Hakea | Dense to open habit. Fragrant yellow flowers, winter-spring. Good low screen. |
Indigofera australis | Austral Indigo | Showy purple pea flowers, spring. Prune after flowering to maintain vigour. Butterfly attracting. |
Leptospermum continentale | Prickly Teatree | Prickly foliage. Masses of white flowers, spring. Good understorey plant. Bird and butterfly attracting. |
Leptospermum continentale prostrate | Prickly Teatree | Local prostrate form. Excellent low ground cover. Butterfly attracting. Tolerates boggy soils. |
Leptospermum myrsinoides | Heath Teatree | Compact. White or pale pink flowers, spring. Good understorey plant. |
Leucophyta brownii | Cushion Bush | Low rounded shrub with silver foliage. Yellow button flowers, spring-summer. |
Olearia axillaris | Coast Daisy-bush | Cottony-grey bush with tiny yellow flowers, summer-autumn. Soil binder. May be hedged. |
Olearia glutinosa | Sticky Daisy-bush | Showy white to mauve flowers, summer. Sticky foliage. Drought tolerant. |
Olearia phlogopappa | Dusty Daisy-bush | Masses of white flowers, summer. Prune to encourage flowering. |
Olearia ramulosa | Twiggy Daisy-bush | Sprawling shrub with tiny white flowers, spring-summer. Good understorey plant or low screen if pruned. |
Ozothamnus turbinatus | Coast Everlasting | Stiff, narrow leaves. Cream flower clusters, autumn. Coastal soil binder. Prune after flowering. |
Pomaderris paniculosa ssp. paralia | Coast Pomaderris | Compact shrub with glossy leaves. Small cream flowers, spring. Coastal shrub with reddish new growth. |
Pultenaea daphnoides | Large-leaf Bush-pea | Fast-growing. Showy egg and bacon pea flowers, spring. Drought tolerant. |
Pultenaea stricta | Rigid Bush-pea | Slender upright shrub to 1m with clusters of yellow and red pea flowers, |
Pultenaea tenuifolia | Slender Bush-pea | Prostrate matting shrub with tiny yellow pea flowers |
Rhagodia candolleana | Seaberry Saltbush | Succulent foliage. Flowers spring, followed by red berries, autumn. Used as a screen or hedge. Soil stabiliser. |
Herbs / Lilies
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Acaena novae-zelandiae | Bidgee Widgee | Matting ground cover. Flowers are followed by burrs. |
Acaena x ovina | Sheep's Burr | Erect rosette with hairy stems, growing 10-50 cm high.Understorey planting. |
Arthropodium strictum | Chocolate Lily | Lily with violet, slightly chocolate-scented flowers on long stalks, spring. Plant in drifts for best effect. |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum | Common Everlasting | Spreading herb with grey foliage. Yellow flower buttons, spring. Prune to encourage new growth. |
Chrysocephalum baxteri | Fringed Everlasting | The flower heads occur singly at the ends of the stems with yellow centres surrounded by white bracts. Leaves are linear, silvery-green with woolly hairs giving a silvery appearance on the undersurface. |
Coronidium scorpioides | Button Everlasting | Perennial herb with greyish foliage, spreading to form a mat. Yellow everlasting flowers, spring. |
Crassula helmsii | Swamp Crassula | Prostrate spreading herb, rooting at nodes. Excellent beside ponds. |
Cycnogeton procerum | Water Ribbons | Robust amphibious perennial. Erect or floating strappy leaves. Water to 2m deep. |
Cynoglossum australe | Austral Hound's-Tongue | Perennial herb with tiny blue flowers, spring-summer. Seeds sticky. |
Dianella brevicaulis | Coast Flax-lily | Attractive, long-lived perennial lily. Blue flowers and berries. Flower stems shorter than foliage. |
Dianella revoluta | Black Anther Flax-lily | Attractive, long-lived perennial lily. Blue flowers and berries. Flower stems longer than foliage. |
Dianella tasmanica | Tasman Flax-lily | Robust, attractive, long-lived, spreading perennial lily. Tolerant of most conditions once established. |
Diplarrena moraea | Butterfly Flag | Dense tussock-forming iris. White scented flowers. Good accent plant. |
Goodenia humilis | Swamp Goodenia | Spreading herb. Yellow flowers, summer. Moist to wet soil. Ideal for planting around pools. |
Goodenia radicans | Shiny Swamp-mat | Prostrate creeping herb with white to mauve fan-shaped flowers. Attractive around ponds. Tolerates wet & dry periods. |
Gratiola peruviana | Austral Brooklime | Sprawling spreading herb. Moist or wet soils but tolerates areas that dry our in summer. Suitable in or beside pool edges. |
Linum marginale | Native Flax | perennial herb with slender upright stems to 10 - 60 cm high. Dies back after flowering to root stock. Blue sky flowers in Spring and Summer. Mass plant. |
Liparophyllum exaltatum | Erect (Yellow) Marsh Flower | Perennial aquatic herb with a few stems. Yellow flowers with leaves that arise from the base. |
Lotus australis | Austral Trefoil | Erect perennial herb to 60cm. Flowers are usually white to shell-pink and can flower all year round but mostly in Spring. Part to full sun with moist soil. |
Lythrum salicaria | Purple Loosestrife | Large purple flower spikes, spring-summer. Dies back to root stock over winter. Excellent for bog garden or beside pools. |
Microseris sp. | Yam daisy, Murnong | Tufted perennial herb and has a single yellow flowerhead that attracts butterflies. |
Montia australasica | White Purslane | Erect bright green narrow leaves. Long-stalked small white flowers, spring summer. Ponds & wetlands |
Myriophyllum crispatum | Milfoil | Perennial spreading herb. Foliage feathery. Good habitat in pools. |
Ornduffia reniformis | Running Marsh-flower | Tufted stoloniferous herb. Kidney-shaped leaves. Yellow flowers, spring-summer. Attractive in and around ponds. |
Patersonia fragilis | Short Purple-flag | Tussock-forming perennial iris. Fine blue-green leaves. Purple flowers held within the foliage, spring-summer. |
Patersonia occidentalis | Long Purple-flag | Clumping perennial iris. Purple flowers, spring-summer. Suitable for bog gardens but also tolerates dry conditions. |
Pauridia vaginata | Yellow Star | Tufted perennial herb with corm less than 2cm long. Hairless. Grows well amoungst grasses, great for rockeries and containers. |
Pelargonium australe | Austral Stork's-bill | Soft foliage. Pink flowers with darker markings, spring-summer. Drought tolerant. |
Ranunculus inundatus | River Buttercup | Vigorous perennial herb. Finely divided leaves. Glossy yellow flowers, spring-summer. Good in or beside ponds. |
Ranunculus lappaceus | Australian Buttercup | Perennial herb with glossy yellow flowering mainly in August to November. |
Senecio pinnatifolius | Variable Groundsel | Variable succulent foliage. Yellow daisy flowers, spring-summer. Butterfly attracting. |
Stackhousia monogyna | Creamy Candles | Glabrous perennial with one to many erect stems that carry beautiful white or creamy flowers from September to February. Common heathland plant. |
Stylidium armeria | Thrift-leaved Triggerplant | Pink flower spikes, spring-summer. Plant in drifts for best effect. Drought tolerant once established. |
Triglochin striata | Streaked Arrowgrass | Slender spreading perennial herb. Tiny flowers on spikes, spring-summer. Wet soil or shallow water. |
Viola hederacea | Native Violet | Spreading perennial herb. Dark green leaves. Single violet flowers. Hardy once established. |
Wahlenbergia gymnoclada | Naked Bluebell | Erect perennial herb spreading by underground stems (rhizomes). Stems single, occasionally branched. |
Grasses / Sedges / Rushes
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Austrostipa flavescens | Coast Spear-grass | Perennial grass that grows as tufts with smooth stems and is a useful soil binder for sandy soil. |
Austrostipa mollis | Soft Spear-grass | Tall clumping grass, with velvety leaves. A graceful accent plant in the garden. Hard prune after flowering. |
Austrostipa stipoides | Prickly Spear-grass or Coast Spear-grass | Rounded, rush-like tussock with prickly leaves. Excellent accent plant. |
Baloskion tetraphyllum | Tassel Cord-rush | Ornamental, bright green, tall feathery tussock. Ideal in or around ponds. Non-invasive. |
Carex appressa | Tall Sedge | Robust tussock sedge. Butterfly attracting. Used for erosion control. Good in or around ponds. Provides habitat. |
Carex fascicularis | Tassel Sedge | Tufted, bright green, leafy sedge with attractive, drooping golden spikes. |
Carex inversa | Knob Sedge | Tufted sedge up to 60cm across with short creeping rhizome and flowering stems followed by clustered seed heads slightly longer than the leaves. Tolerants wet or dry conditions. |
Dichelachne crinita | Plume grass | Tufted ornamental perennial grass. Seeds may irritate skin |
Eleocharis acuta | Common Spike-rush | Semi-aquatic herb with erect flowering stems. Terrific habitat plant for waterbirds, frogs and fish. |
Ficinia nodosa | Nobby Club-sedge | Tufted perennial sedge to 1m high. Globular flower heads. Soil binder. Accent plant. |
Gahnia filum | Chaffy Saw-sedge | Perennial leafy tussock with narrow brown flowerhead and attractive fruit. Moist saline or brackish soil. |
Gahnia sieberiana | Red-fruit Saw-sedge | Tussock sedge 2-3m tall. Shining red nuts after flowering. Prefers moist soil but will tolerate dryness. Butterfly food plant. |
Juncus amabilis | Hollow-rush | Tufted perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus holoschoenus | Jointed Rush | Clumping perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus kraussii | Sea Rush | Stout perennial rush with spreading red-brown panicle. Saline or brackish conditions |
Juncus pallidus | Pale Rush | Robust tufted perennial rush to 2m tall. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus procerus | Tall Rush | Dense tufted perennial robust rush. Plant at the edge of permanent or seasonal water bodies. |
Juncus sarophorus | Broom Rush | Tufted perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus subsecundus | Finger Rush | Tufted perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape or seasonally dry soils. |
Lomandra longifolia ssp. exilis | Mat-rush | Cluster- headed Mat-rush. Attractive tussock which can reach up to 1 metre in diameter with narrow green strap leaves to 4mm across . A great feature plant for landscaping. |
Lomandra longifolia ssp. longifolia | Spiny-headed Mat-rush | Dense tussock to 1m. Grows well under established trees. Accent plant. |
Machaerina rubiginosa | Soft Twig-sedge | Spreading sedge to 1m tall. Butterfly attracting. Good in or around ponds. |
Microlaena stipoides | Weeping Grass | Variable perennial grass with graceful arching stems. Good lawn grass for shady sites. |
Phragmites australis | Common Reed | Fast-growing reed. Fluffy flower spikes. Provides food and nesting for waterbirds. Keep contained. |
Poa clelandii | Matted Tussock-grass | Matted perennial tussock-grass. Spikelets are usually purplish, greenish or straw colored flowering September - January. |
Poa labillardierei | Common Tussock-grass | Large dense tussock. Flowering stems exceed leaves. Landscape accent plant. Bird and butterfly attracting. |
Poa poiformis | Coastal Tussock-grass | Large dense tussock. Flowering stems equal to leaves. Bird and butterfly attracting. Salt spray tolerant. |
Poa tenera | Slender Tussock-grass | A trailing perennial that sometimes forms tussocks. Spikelets are green and rarely purplish. Flowers between October - January. |
Rytidosperma geniculatum | Kneed Wallaby-grass | Perennial grass to 40cm tall. Small, fluffy flowerhead. Bird and butterfly attracting. Beautiful grass for gardens. |
Rytidosperma setaceum | Bristly Wallaby-grass | Perennial grass to 70 cm tall. Small, fluffy flowerhead. Bird and butterfly attracting. Can be used as a native lawn. |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | River Club Rush | Robust perennial sedge. Flowering panicle, summer. Wet soil or shallow water. Waterbird habitat. |
Themeda triandra | Kangaroo Grass | Sprawling perennial tussock. Leaves bluish-green. Attractive golden-brown flowerheads, spring-summer. Attractive used in landscaping or mass planted. |
Xanthorrhoea minor | Small Grass-tree | Stout perennial with underground woody trunk, branched underground. |
Zoysia macrantha | Prickly couch | Perennial grass. Tolerates saline conditions. An effective native lawn that does not need mowing. |
Creepers / Vines
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Carpobrotus rossii | Pigface | Spreading succulent perennial. Large purple flowers open on sunny days. Good soil binder. |
Centella cordifolia | Swamp Pennywort | Matting herb. Scalloped leaves. Moist to wet soils. Grows well around pools. |
Clematis aristata | Mountain Clematis | Vigorous vine with creamy star flowers, spring. Attractive feathery seed heads persist. |
Clematis microphylla | Small Leaf Clematis | Variable trailer or climber. Star flowers, summer. Attractive feathery seed heads persist. |
Dichondra repens | Kidney Weed | Prostrate spreading herb, rooting at nodes. Kidney-shaped leaves. Alternative to lawn in light traffic areas. |
Disphyma crassifolium | Rounded Noon-flower | Spreading ground cover. Magenta daisy-like flowers, spring-summer. Salt tolerant. |
Glycine clandestina | Climbing Glycine | Open twining plant, usually only noticed when flowering. Sprays of mauve pea flowers, spring. |
Kennedia prostrata | Running Postman | Matting ground cover. Red pea flowers, spring-summer. Drought tolerant. |
Lobelia anceps | Angled Lobelia | Matting ground cover. Small fan-shaped pale blue flowers, most of year. Seasonally moist soils, |
Pandorea pandorana | Wonga Wonga Vine | Vigorous climber. Showy, creamy-white tubular flowers with maroon markings, spring. |
Tetragonia implexicoma | Bower spinach | Succulent, scrambling perennial subshrub. Yellow flowers, spring-summer. Sand stabiliser. |
Aquatic / Wetland
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Baloskion tetraphyllum | Tassel Cord-rush | Ornamental, bright green, tall feathery tussock. Ideal in or around ponds. Non-invasive. |
Carex appressa | Tall Sedge | Robust tussock sedge. Butterfly attracting. Used for erosion control. Good in or around ponds. Provides habitat. |
Carex fascicularis | Tassel Sedge | Tufted, bright green, leafy sedge with attractive, drooping golden spikes. |
Crassula helmsii | Swamp Crassula | Prostrate spreading herb, rooting at nodes. Excellent beside ponds. |
Cycnogeton procerum | Water Ribbons | Robust amphibious perennial. Erect or floating strappy leaves. Water to 2m deep. |
Eleocharis acuta | Common Spike-rush | Semi-aquatic herb with erect flowering stems. Terrific habitat plant for waterbirds, frogs and fish. |
Goodenia humilis | Swamp Goodenia | Spreading herb. Yellow flowers, summer. Moist to wet soil. Ideal for planting around pools. |
Gratiola peruviana | Austral Brooklime | Sprawling spreading herb. Moist or wet soils but tolerates areas that dry our in summer. Suitable in or beside pool edges. |
Juncus amabilis | Hollow-rush | Tufted perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus holoschoenus | Jointed Rush | Clumping perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus kraussii | Sea Rush | Stout perennial rush with spreading red-brown panicle. Saline or brackish conditions |
Juncus pallidus | Pale Rush | Robust tufted perennial rush to 2m tall. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus procerus | Tall Rush | Dense tufted perennial robust rush. Plant at the edge of permanent or seasonal water bodies. |
Juncus sarophorus | Broom Rush | Tufted perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape. |
Juncus subsecundus | Finger Rush | Tufted perennial rush. Bird, lizard and frog habitat. Good in wet landscape or seasonally dry soils. |
Liparophyllum exaltatum | Erect (Yellow) Marsh Flower | Perennial aquatic herb with a few stems. Yellow flowers with leaves that arise from the base. |
Lythrum salicaria | Purple Loosestrife | Large purple flower spikes, spring-summer. Dies back to root stock over winter. Excellent for bog garden or beside pools. |
Machaerina rubiginosa | Soft Twig-sedge | Spreading sedge to 1m tall. Butterfly attracting. Good in or around ponds. |
Mazus pumilio | Swamp Mazus | Swamp Mazus. Suckering perennial herb for open damp areas which carpets the ground and has mauve flowers over a long period in spring. Quite drought tolerant once established. |
Myriophyllum crispatum | Milfoil | Perennial spreading herb. Foliage feathery. Good habitat in pools. |
Ornduffia reniformis | Running Marsh-flower | Tufted stoloniferous herb. Kidney-shaped leaves. Yellow flowers, spring-summer. Attractive in and around ponds. |
Persicaria decipiens | Slender Knotweed | Perennial herb, leaves stems sometimes red. Bright pink flowers on spikes. Seeds provide food for waterbirds. |
Philydrum lanuginosum | Woolly Frogsmouth | Suitable for planting around ponds, dams and on creek banks. They will tolerate periodic inundation and can be used as for stabilising soil. |
Phragmites australis | Common Reed | Fast-growing reed. Fluffy flower spikes. Provides food and nesting for waterbirds. Keep contained. |
Ranunculus inundatus | River Buttercup | Vigorous perennial herb. Finely divided leaves. Glossy yellow flowers, spring-summer. Good in or beside ponds. |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | River Club Rush | Robust perennial sedge. Flowering panicle, summer. Wet soil or shallow water. Waterbird habitat. |
Thyridia repens | Creeping Monkey-flower | Marsh plant with violet flowers with a yellow & white centre which will tolerate inundation & saline conditions. Attractive on pond edge. |
Triglochin striata | Streaked Arrowgrass | Slender spreading perennial herb. Tiny flowers on spikes, spring-summer. Wet soil or shallow water. |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Blechnum nudum | Fishbone Water-fern | Densely tufted perennial fern with erect fronds, on thick erect rhizome (rooting stem), sometimes forming a short trunk. Forms large colonies. Sterile and fertile fronds dissimilar. New growth yellowish. |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Features |
Arthropodium strictum | Chocolate Lily | Lily with violet, slightly chocolate-scented flowers on long stalks, spring. Plant in drifts for best effect. |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum | Common Everlasting | Spreading herb with grey foliage. Yellow flower buttons, spring. Prune to encourage new growth. |
Chrysocephalum baxteri | Fringed Everlasting | The flower heads occur singly at the ends of the stems with yellow centres surrounded by white bracts. Leaves are linear, silvery-green with woolly hairs giving a silvery appearance on the undersurface. |
Coronidium scorpioides | Button Everlasting | Perennial herb with greyish foliage, spreading to form a mat. Yellow everlasting flowers, spring. |
Diplarrena moraea | Butterfly Flag | Dense tussock-forming iris. White scented flowers. Good accent plant. |
Disphyma crassifolium | Rounded Noon-flower | Spreading ground cover. Magenta daisy-like flowers, spring-summer. Salt tolerant. |
Kennedia prostrata | Running Postman | Matting ground cover. Red pea flowers, spring-summer. Drought tolerant. |
Linum marginale | Native Flax | perennial herb with slender upright stems to 10 - 60 cm high. Dies back after flowering to root stock. Blue sky flowers in Spring and Summer. Mass plant. |
Lotus australis | Austral Trefoil | Erect perennial herb to 60cm. Flowers are usually white to shell-pink and can flower all year round but mostly in Spring. Part to full sun with moist soil. |
Microseris sp. | Yam daisy, Murnong | Tufted perennial herb and has a single yellow flowerhead that attracts butterflies. |
Patersonia fragilis | Short Purple-flag | Tussock-forming perennial iris. Fine blue-green leaves. Purple flowers held within the foliage, spring-summer. |
Patersonia occidentalis | Long Purple-flag | Clumping perennial iris. Purple flowers, spring-summer. Suitable for bog gardens but also tolerates dry conditions. |
Pelargonium australe | Austral Stork's-bill | Soft foliage. Pink flowers with darker markings, spring-summer. Drought tolerant. |
Pultenaea tenuifolia | Slender Bush-pea | Prostrate matting shrub with tiny yellow pea flowers |
Ranunculus lappaceus | Australian Buttercup | Perennial herb with basal rosette of foliage with spikes of glossy yellow flowers primarily from August to November. |
Senecio pinnatifolius | Variable Groundsel | Variable succulent foliage. Yellow daisy flowers, spring-summer. Butterfly attracting. |
Stackhousia monogyna | Creamy Candles | Glabrous perennial with one to many erect stems that carry showy, terminal spikes of white or creamy flowers from September to February. Common heathland plant. |
Stylidium armeria | Thrift-leaved Triggerplant | Pink flower spikes, spring-summer. Plant in drifts for best effect. Drought tolerant once established. |
Viola hederacea | Native Violet | Spreading perennial herb. Dark green leaves. Single violet flowers. Hardy once established. |
Wahlenbergia gymnoclada | Naked Bluebell | Erect perennial herb spreading by underground stems (rhizomes). Stems single, occasionally branched. |
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Plant fact sheets
Open the Fact Sheet list below by clicking the ‘>‘ symbol.
Plant Fact Sheets
- Acacia dealbata
- Acacia longifolia ssp. sophorae
- Acacia mearnsii
- Acacia melanoxylon
- Acacia mucronata
- Acacia myrtifolia
- Acacia paradoxa
- Acacia stricta
- Acacia suaveolens
- Acacia verticillata ssp verticillata
- Acacia verticillata ssp. ovoidea (Special order only)
- Acaena novae-zelandiae
- Acaena x ovina
- Actites megalocarpus (Special order only)
- Adiantum aethiopicum (Special order only)
- Adriana quadripartita (Special order only)
- Alisma plantago-aquatica (Special order only)
- Allocasuarina littoralis
- Allocasuarina media (Special order only)
- Allocasuarina paludosa
- Allocasuarina paradoxa
- Allocasuarina verticillata
- Alyxia buxifolia (Special Order Only)
- Arthropodium strictum
- Atriplex cinerea
- Austrostipa flavescens.
- Austrostipa mollis
- Austrostipa rudis
- Austrostipa stipoides
- Baloskion tetraphyllum
- Banksia integrifolia
- Banksia marginata
- Banksia spinulosa (Special order only)
- Billardiera mutabilis (Special order only) (Under development*)
- Blechnum nudum
- Bossiaea cinerea
- Brachyscome parvula (Special Order Only)
- Bulbine bulbosa (Special order only)
- Bursaria spinosa
- Calochlaena dubia (Special order only)
- Carex appressa
- Carex fascicularis
- Carex inversa
- Carpobrotus rossii
- Cassinia aculeata
- Cassinia trinerva (Information Only)
- Centella cordifolia
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum
- Chrysocephalum baxteri
- Clematis aristata
- Clematis microphylla
- Coprosma quadrifida (Special order only)
- Coronidium scorpioides
- Correa alba
- Crassula helmsii
- Cyathea australis (Special order only)
- Cycnogeton procerum
- Cynoglossum australe
- Daviesia latifolia (Special order only)
- Dianella brevicaulis
- Dianella caerulea sp.aff. caerulea - West Gippsland (Information Only)
- Dianella revoluta
- Dianella tasmanica
- Dichelachne crinita
- Dichondra repens
- Dillwynia cinerascens (Information Only)
- Dillwynia glaberrima (Information Only)
- Diplarrena moraea
- Disphyma crassifolium
- Eleocharis acuta
- Eleocharis sphacelata (Information Only)
- Enchylaena tomentosa (Information Only) (Under development*)
- Eucalyptus kitsoniana
- Eucalyptus obliqua
- Eucalyptus ovata
- Eucalyptus pauciflora
- Eucalyptus radiata
- Eucalyptus regnans
- Eucalyptus strzeleckii
- Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana
- Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. viminalis (Information Only)
- Eucalyptus willisii
- Ficinia nodosa
- Gahnia filum
- Gahnia sieberiana
- Gahnia trifida (Special order only)
- Glycine clandestina
- Goodenia humilis
- Goodenia ovata
- Goodenia ovata prostrate
- Goodenia radicans
- Goodia lotifolia
- Gratiola peruviana
- Gynatrix pulchella
- Hakea nodosa
- Hakea teretifolia (Special order only)
- Hakea ulicina
- Hedycarya angustifolia (Special order only)
- Hibbertia sericea (Information Only)
- Hookerochloa hookeriana (Special order only)
- Imperata cylindrica (Special order only)
- Indigofera australis
- Juncus amabilis
- Juncus australis (Special order only)
- Juncus holoschoenus
- Juncus kraussii
- Juncus pallidus
- Juncus procerus
- Juncus sarophorus
- Juncus subsecundus
- Kennedia prostrata
- Kennedia prostrata - pink & white form (Special Order Only)
- Laphangium luteoalbum (Information Only) (Under development)
- Lepidosperma gladiatum (Special order only)
- Lepidosperma longitudinale (Information Only) (Under development)
- Leptospermum continentale
- Leptospermum continentale prostrate
- Leptospermum laevigatum
- Leptospermum lanigerum
- Leptospermum myrsinoides
- Leucophyta brownii
- Leucopogon parviflorus
- Linum marginale
- Liparophyllum exaltatum
- Lobelia anceps
- Lomandra longifolia ssp. exilis
- Lomandra longifolia ssp. longifolia
- Lotus australis
- Lythrum salicaria
- Machaerina acuta (Special order only)
- Machaerina articulata (Special order only)
- Machaerina juncea (Special order only)
- Machaerina rubiginosa
- Mazus pumilio
- Melaleuca ericifolia
- Melaleuca squarrosa
- Melicytus dentatus (Special order only)
- Microlaena stipoides
- Microseris sp.
- Montia australasica
- Myoporum insulare
- Myriophyllum crispatum
- Myrsine howittiana
- Olearia argophylla
- Olearia axillaris
- Olearia glutinosa
- Olearia lirata
- Olearia phlogopappa
- Olearia ramulosa
- Ornduffia reniformis
- Ottelia ovalifolia (Information Only) (Under development)
- Ozothamnus ferrugineus
- Ozothamnus turbinatus
- Pandorea pandorana
- Patersonia fragilis
- Patersonia occidentalis
- Pauridia vaginata
- Pelargonium australe
- Persicaria decipiens
- Philydrum lanuginosum
- Phragmites australis
- Pimelea humilis (Special Order Only)
- Pittosporum bicolour (Special order only) (Under development)
- Poa clelandii
- Poa labillardierei
- Poa poiformis
- Poa tenera
- Polyscias sambucifolia (Information Only)
- Polystichum proliferum (Special order only)
- Pomaderris aspera
- Pomaderris elliptica var. elliptica
- Pomaderris paniculosa ssp. paralia
- Potamogeton cheesemanii (Information Only) (Under development)
- Prostanthera lasianthos (Special order only) (Under development)
- Pultenaea daphnoides
- Pultenaea stricta
- Pultenaea tenuifolia
- Ranunculus inundatus
- Ranunculus lappaceus
- Rhagodia candolleana
- Rubus parvifolius (Special order only)
- Rytidosperma caespitosum (Special order only)
- Rytidosperma geniculatum
- Rytidosperma setaceum
- Samolus repens (Information Only) (Under development)
- Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
- Schoenus apogon (Special order only) (Under development)
- Schoenus brevifolius (Information Only) (Under development)
- Senecio pinnatifolius
- Solanum aviculare
- Solanum vescum (Special order only) (Under development)
- Spinifex sericeus (Special order only)
- Stackhousia monogyna
- Stylidium armeria
- Styphelia humifusa (Special order only) (Under development)
- Swainsona lessertiifolia (Special order only)
- Tetragonia implexicoma
- Thelionema caespitosum (Special Order only)
- Themeda triandra
- Thyridia repens
- Triglochin striata
- Viminaria juncea
- Viola hederacea
- Wahlenbergia gymnoclada
- Xanthorrhoea minor (Not available)
- Zoysia macrantha
Further information
Tubestock Care & Planting guide
Plants for a purpose – Our guide
Most of the species information has been referenced from the book ‘Flora of Melbourne‘ by M.Bull (4th Edn, Hyland House, 2014).