Our original intention was to sell Wildflowers separately…

However, the demand was so intense that we have now included them in our Standard Stock List.

The list below can help you to select which Wildflower species you may like to order.

The image left is of the stunning Stackhousia monogyna, more commonly known as Creamy Candles… just divine!

Below is our Wildflower species list

Click on a plants botanical name to read its fact sheet which includes photos.

Botanical NameCommon NamePlant Features
Arthropodium strictumChocolate LilyLily with violet, slightly chocolate-scented flowers on long stalks, spring. Plant in drifts for best effect.
Chrysocephalum apiculatumCommon EverlastingSpreading herb with grey foliage. Yellow flower buttons, spring. Prune to encourage new growth.
Chrysocephalum baxteriFringed EverlastingThe flower heads occur singly at the ends of the stems with yellow centres surrounded by white bracts. Leaves are linear, silvery-green with woolly hairs giving a silvery appearance on the undersurface.
Coronidium scorpioidesButton EverlastingPerennial herb with greyish foliage, spreading to form a mat. Yellow everlasting flowers, spring.
Diplarrena moraeaButterfly FlagDense tussock-forming iris. White scented flowers. Good accent plant.
Disphyma crassifoliumRounded Noon-flowerSpreading ground cover. Magenta daisy-like flowers, spring-summer. Salt tolerant.
Kennedia prostrataRunning PostmanMatting ground cover. Red pea flowers, spring-summer. Drought tolerant.
Linum marginaleNative Flaxperennial herb with slender upright stems to 10 – 60 cm high. Dies back after flowering to root stock. Blue sky flowers in Spring and Summer. Mass plant.
Lotus australisAustral TrefoilErect perennial herb to 60cm. Flowers are usually white to shell-pink and can flower all year round but mostly in Spring. Part to full sun with moist soil.
Microseris sp.Yam daisy, MurnongTufted perennial herb and has a single yellow flowerhead that attracts butterflies.
Patersonia fragilisShort Purple-flagTussock-forming perennial iris. Fine blue-green leaves. Purple flowers held within the foliage, spring-summer.
Patersonia occidentalisLong Purple-flagClumping perennial iris. Purple flowers, spring-summer. Suitable for bog gardens but also tolerates dry conditions.
Pelargonium australeAustral Stork’s-billSoft foliage. Pink flowers with darker markings, spring-summer. Drought tolerant.
Pultenaea tenuifoliaSlender Bush-peaProstrate matting shrub with tiny yellow pea flowers
Ranunculus lappaceusAustralian ButtercupPerennial herb with basal rosette of foliage with spikes of glossy yellow flowers primarily from August to November.
Senecio pinnatifoliusVariable GroundselVariable succulent foliage. Yellow daisy flowers, spring-summer. Butterfly attracting.
Stackhousia monogynaCreamy CandlesGlabrous perennial with one to many erect stems that carry showy, terminal spikes of white or creamy flowers from September to February. Common heathland plant.
Stylidium armeriaThrift-leaved TriggerplantPink flower spikes, spring-summer. Plant in drifts for best effect. Drought tolerant once established.
Viola hederaceaNative VioletSpreading perennial herb. Dark green leaves. Single violet flowers. Hardy once established.
Wahlenbergia gymnocladaNaked BluebellErect perennial herb spreading by underground stems (rhizomes). Stems single, occasionally branched.

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