Updated: 3 May 2020

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Page admins: Linda Pettit, Peter McKenzie & Susan Peel

Website domains

Website & Domain Hosting

  • Hosted at GoDaddy https://au.godaddy.com/
  • Customer number, username & password required.
  • Hosting & domains prepaid for 3 years to 25/09/2022

Webmaster: Linda Pettit. If required, contact Linda regarding secure access details.

Website Content Management

Email accounts

Email: contact@wsbn.org.au
Forwards to: barnard.ted.margaret@gmail.com, bestadvice@iinet.net.au & alliebrew@yahoo.com.au

Email: orders@wsbn.org.au
Forwards to: lorrnord52@gmail.com and susan@greenembrace.net

Email: accounts@wsbn.org.au
Forwards to: leone.thiele@gmail.com & alliebrew@yahoo.com.au

Email: website@wsbn.org.au
Forwards to: barnard.ted.margaret@gmail.com and Linda Pettit

Email: wsbn.clients@wsbn.org.au
Forwards to: All email addresses on the Clients distribution list (setup on GoDaddy cPanel).

Email: wsbn.members@wsbn.org.au
Forwards to: All email addresses on the Members distribution list (setup on GoDaddy cPanel).

Setup to retrieve & send email for WSBN domain

Incoming mail server: sg2plcpnl0153.prod.sin2.secureserver.net IMAP Port: 993
Outgoing mail server: sg2plcpnl0153.prod.sin2.secureserver.net SMTP Port: 465
IMAP and SMTP require authentication.
Password must be known to retrieve & send email from the domain.

Updating email forwarding

  • Sign-in to GoDaddy hosting account using username/password.
  • Navigate to Webhosting & click ‘Manage’
  • Click ‘cPanel’: Enter cPanel username/password
  • Scroll down to the ‘Email’ section.
  • ‘Email accounts’ – Used to create a new email account.
  • Email ‘Forwarders’ – Used to forward emails sent to a WSBN account on to one or more private email accounts.
  • Add an Email Forwarder to the ‘Client’ or ‘Member’ Email list – Add an extra email to the list.

To get an up-to-date list of emails in an email distribution list

  • Search for the email name (eg: wsbn.members). 
  • Increase page size to the maximum (eg: 1000)
  • Highlight all entries & cut/paste into a text document.

Google My Business (Web statistics)


Primary owner: pettit3996@gmail.com (R&L Pettit)