Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Botanical Name: Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Common Name: Common Everlasting

Type: Herb 0.3 – 1m x 1 – 3m


  • Variable aromatic perennial with grey foliage
  • Dense terminal clusters of small  yellow flowerheads; Oct-May
  • Prune to encourage new growth
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun, semi-shade
  • Adapts to moist or dry soils

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Wahlenbergia gymnoclada

Botanical Name: Wahlenbergia gymnoclada

Common Name: Naked Bluebell

Type: Herb (10-) 20 – 60 cm


  • Perennial, spreading by underground stems
  • Single bell shaped flower
  • Blue flowers sometimes with yellowish outside
  • Flowers October to February
  • Butterfly attracting
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun to semi-shade
  • Well drained light to sandy soil
Wahlenbergia gymnoclada_Naked Bluebell

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Stackhousia monogyna

Botanical Name: Stackhousia monogyna

Common Name:  Candles, Creamy Stackhousia

Type: Herb to 30cm


  • Branches from a fleshy taproot
  • Showy white or cream flowers in terminal spikes
  • Flowers appear from September to Febraury
  • Wildflowers


  • Common in open forest and heathland 
  • Prefers some sun
  • Tolerates most conditions provided the soil is well drained
Stackhousia monogyna

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Ranunculus lappaceus

Botanical Name: Ranunculus lappaceus

Common Name: Australian Buttercup

Type: Herb 10 – 60cm x 30 – 60cm


  • Tufted perennial herb with soft, hairy foliage
  • Basal leaves ovate to triangular, trifoliate or 3-lobed
  • Glossy golden 5-petalled flowers 3cm across August – December
  • Insects are attracted by the nectar
  • Suitable for a bog garden
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun to semi-shade
  • Permanently moist soil
Ranunculus-lappaceus (Australian-Buttercup)
Ranunculus-lappaceus (Australian-Buttercup)

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Linum marginale

Botanical Name: Linum marginale

Common Name: Native Flax

Type: Herb 30 – 80cm x 30cm


  • Slender erect perennial herb, usually unbranched
  • Narrow leaves
  • Small, clear blue flowers with darker veins, flowering September – March
  • Mass plant for best effect
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun to semi-shade
  • Moist well-drained soils, tolerating dryness once established
  • Cut back in late Autumn to promote new growth

Aboriginal Use:

  • Fibre used to make cord and fish nets
  • Seeds used as food
Linum marginale – Native-Flax

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Pultenaea tenuifolia

Botanical Name: Pultenaea tenuifolia

Common Name: Slender bush-pea

Type: Low shrub 30 – 50 cm x 0.3 – 1.5 m


  • Prostrate matting shrub
  • Tiny, narrow, hairy grey-green leaves
  • Orange-yellow pea flowers; Sep – Oct
  • Good understorey plant
  • Drought tolerant once established
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun to semi-shade
  • Well-drained to moist soil
Pultenaea tenuifolia

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Microseris sp.

Botanical Name: Microseris sp.

Common Name: Yam daisy, Murnong

Type: Herb 15-50 cm x 15-25 cm


  • Tufted perennial herb, regenerating annually from a fleshy tuberous root
  • Shiny narrow leaves with pointed teeth or narrow lobes
  • Single yellow daisy flowerhead, drooping in bud
  • Butterfly attracting
  • Wildflowers


  • Semi-shade
  • Moist to well drained soils

Aboriginal Use:

  • The fleshy tuberous rootstock was a staple part of the Aboriginal diet

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Lotus australis

Botanical Name: Lotus australis

Common Name: Austral trefoil

Type: Low perennial herb or subshrub 30-60cm x 60cm


  • Open rounded subshrub, stems zigzagged
  • Light green pinnate leaves with 5 leaflets
  • Terminal clusters of showy pink or white pea flowers; October – March
  • Butterfly attracting – food for caterpillars
  • Resistant to salt spray
  • Tolerant of dry periods once established
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun
  • Moist, well drained soil
  • Prune after flowering to maintain bushiness
Lotus Australis-Austral Trefoil
Lotus Australis – Austral Trefoil
Lotus Australis-Austral Trefoil

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Viola hederacea

Botanical Name: Viola hederacea

Common Name: Ivy-leaf Violet

Type: Herb 10 – 15cm and spreading


  • Stoloniferous perennial herb, forming a dense mat
  • Dark green kidney-shaped leaves
  • Violet flowers with white tips; October to December
  • Flowers are edible in a salad
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun to full shade
  • Dryish to moist soils

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Stylidium armeria

Botanical Name: Stylidium armeria

Common Name:  Thrift-leaved Triggerplant

Type: Herb 0.2 – 1m x 20 – 40cm


  • Tufted perennial herb with narrow grass-like leaves
  • Flowering spike with many pink flowers; August to February
  • Plant in drifts for best effect
  • Will establish under trees
  • Drought tolerant once established
  • Wildflowers


  • Full sun, semi-shade
  • Well-drained soils

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