Updated: 3 May 2020 ??

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Nursery (Wednesday) workings

On Wednesday, nursery volunteers enter all works done into a ‘nursery works’ book.  This includes seed sown, pricking out, tubing up, division of plants and cuttings propagated, and seed trays which are finished. (the actual species to be worked on are written up on white board, take a photo of this as sometimes the log book entries need clarification)

In the spreadsheet (SS):

On the propagation sheet (also see note in red)

  • enter the numbers of seedlings pricked out, hico, or tubed up, against the correct species, taking note of the batch number.  If batch numbers do not match, make a note to check the labels on seed trays/tubes the following week.
  • if a seed tray has been sown, add a new line for the species, add the batch number and either ‘1’ for a full tray or ‘0.5’ for half trays (remember to copy the formula for the new line).
  • if a seed tray has been finished, cross through the relevant batch number.
  • if cuttings were done into a tray, mark the ‘cuttings/div tray’ column with a ‘1’ denoting 1 tray of cuttings (or similar).
  • if cuttings were propagated directly into tubes, fill in the number in column ‘cut’, similarly if plants were divided and tubed up, fill in ‘div’ column. 
  • for all of the above, fill in the comments column with the date of the work ie c.25/11

On the Orders_stock sheet

  • in the column ‘igloo’ add in the Wednesday figures, but ONLY for pricked out, tubed up, hico stock. (the cuttings may not grow, so should not be added at this stage, and usually get tubed up from the cuttings tray anyway)
  • for plants which have been divided, make a note to check the total numbers for that species in igloo/yard the following week, as the numbers recorded to be in the yard will now be less, as they have been divided up into new stock, and add number to SS next week
  • the Yard coordinator provides a list of stock moved from the igloo to the yard. For each species adjust the numbers from ‘igloo’ column to ‘yard’ column. 

Adding Orders to SS

When an order is received (via website) an order sheet for tube stock or hicosis copied to SP. If it’s a verbal order, SP fills in order form and sends to LN (currently).

  • Add the order details to the ‘Orders_stock’ sheet, with surname or group, the date required (4/20) and numbers of each species.  Hico orders should be made lime green.
  • Make sure the formulas have copied across (Totals column), and the total number of plants ordered in SS is the same as on order form (at bottom of column for each order)

When orders are collated, invoice sent, and taken

Move the order to the section ‘Orders taken’

For every species, subtract the number in the order from the Yard total (as the tubes are no longer stock in the yard)